Welcome to our Panther family!
We believe it's important to establish a partnership with parents, families and supporters to ensure your student's success here at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
We encourage you to be engaged and provide feedback with our close-knit community.
On this page, you will find resources, ways to get involved and stay connected during your student’s educational journey.

• Discuss best communication strategies for parents and families
• Serve as a resource for other parents and families that might be interested in hearing advisement from other parents and family members
• Provide feedback for campus events with families – welcome week, family weekend, graduation etc.
• Advise VP of Student Affairs on new student recruitment strategies
• Meet via Zoom twice semesterly
Please contact student.affairs@acphs if you’re interested in joining.

Stay Connected
We strive to keep parents abreast of what’s happening on campus. Each Tuesday during the academic year, we share a copy of our weekly eNewsletter, Campus Connections, with parents. It is full of important news, reminders, photos, videos and events to keep you “in the know.” If you are not receiving it, please be sure your email is on file with us. Here are some other ways to stay connected.
Contact Us
Phone: 518-694-7307
Email: student.affairs@acphs